juveniles justice

The tragic maddening failure of America's juvenile justice system  http://theweek.com/article/index/262851/the-tragic-maddening-failure-of-americas-juvenile-justice-system#

Paula Cooper is scheduled to be released next month



Children Left Behind Bars


Tough Times For Girls In Juvenile Justice System


NPR October 24, 2012

The number of boys locked up for crimes has dropped over the past decade, but the number of young women detained in jails and residential centers has moved in the other direction. Experts say girls make up the fastest-growing segment of the juvenile justice system, with more than 300,000 arrests and criminal charges every year. A new report by the Georgetown Center on Poverty, Inequality, and Public Policy says the system isn't doing enough to help those young girls.

Unmarked graves of notorious youth prison snag sale by Florida DJJ


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